About us

Nena Bellaaa was born from our many growing friends need to look and find and be able to buy really nice clothes and items to wear for all occasions at really great prices, directly through your cell phone or laptop without the hassle to go shopping all over and waste time to find those unique things not available on stores that you are really looking for.We know that the variety of really nice things we have for you do not have to be expensive to make you look and feel gorgeous and spectacular. So, if you are and think just like us and sounds nice and good for you, welcome and follow us when you like or every day at Nena Bellaaa Online Boutique.

Welcome to Nena Bellaaa boutique!

Sobre nosotras

Soy una joven emprendedora nacida con un talento natural para orientar y asesorar a las chicas en su manera de vestir, arreglarse y proyectarse para realzar su belleza de manera natural. Asi es como surge Nena Bellaaa Boutique
Mi deseo es ayudar a todas la chicas sin importar su estatura o talla de ropa a incluir en su guardarropa esas piezas universales y versátiles, que puedan usar por mucho tiempo y siempre lucir bellas y modernas, con poco presupuesto, pero con el mejor de los gustos.

Bienvenida a Nena Bellaaa Boutique!